Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hw 39

the novel first talks about the experiences of people that went through child birth then after that they author breaks childbirth down into sections about labor the psychological  factors of childbirth.
why do doctor say they try and take care of their patience but then when they ask questions or try to question the doctor authority the doctor doesn't want to listen or even try follow the way you want your child to be born?
the most interesting thing was the stories of the childbirth because it seems everybody has a different plan with childbirth and the novel is very descriptive so it can be helpful for the people that are going through childbirth

hw 38

im reading the novel Ina Mays Guide to Childbirth the first few pages was the introducing the book and how its going to be written the author tries to make the readers more comfortable about their childbirth but on the bottom of the pages there are notes for the reader so they can better understand the novel. like on page 4 is says "read it after you've had your baby, as it is a frightening story , even though the scary story part isn't about the birth process."
in my opinion so far i don't think this novel is trying to answer any specific question because its telling us other people experience with childbirth instead of giving us facts about childbirth and what happens during and after childbirth. it seems if the reader read this book they get a some sort of false idea about childbirth because a lot of people go through birth differently because the first story i read it seemed like the women had to go through a lot to find the right doctor.
i like how the author doesn't goes straight into the childbirth instead the author sort of gives us synopsis of the person having the birth this make the read a little more confutable reading this book. when reading this book its seems like the author writing is trying to take you on a journey because the language is descriptive and makes you picture whats happening even though i don't want to, and i think that is an important aspect in a book about childbirth because it makes it a much easier read.
so far in reading this book is just telling me the experience i think as i read this book more i will have a better understanding of childbirth because after the experiences then it gets into the facts about childbirth

Thursday, December 9, 2010

hw 22

in most cases we look at illness as a bad thing and no one wants to go through it. it is a stressful part of anyone lives either being ill or knowing somebody in that situation, it is painful. people most of the time look at religion at the time of need because religion gives a picture of the after life so maybe that's why people look at religion because it sort of tells them whats going to happen to you after you die,  and as people we always want to look for the answer for every question. if there wasn't religion what would people do would try to figure out how to cheat death, i guess there are examples of cheating death in our lives now, like medicine is a way to cheat death because all you need is a pill to sure certain things, but our bodies are meant to get old. we should live our lives not caring about what might happen and think about what you can do now to make your life more for filling.

precishi my morrie i don't want you to worry about me because i lived my life and i know that people care about me. i don't want to think about regret because that's not something that's important because you cant fix the past. i want people to know that there is more to life then just sitting in front of a t.v screen, you need to live life and grasp each moment.

1-the doctor gave them some information on ALS, little pamphlets, as if they were opening a bank account. outside, the sun was shining and people were going about their business pg.8

most people wonder what happens when they are told that they have terminal illness and how people feel.

2-you know, mitch, now that im dying, ive become much more interesting to people pg.32

i find it said sometimes when people die that's the only time they want to speak to that person that is sick

3-death and sickness and getting fat and going bald happened. i traded lots of dreams for a bigger check pg.33

morrie is a really strong person and it seems like he lived a for filled life because hes not talking about regret hes talking about the bigger picture. hes just thinking about how important life is on page34 is a perfect example of what Morrie thinks, Morrie was talking about his insight about dying."accept the past as past, without denying it or disregarding it". i agree with this quote because there's no way you can change the past we have to acknowledge what we did and try to move one and learn each day and live life.

hw 21

1.in movies they make the people look more normal then usual
2.she didn't leave her husband side
3.she made him feel really comfortable
4.suddenly He was very healthy and never sick.
5.she wanted her husband treated like a human being
6.her husband was trying to fight
7.decided to call a Buddhist
8.you should always be nice to people around you
9.you should tell the person in illness that you care about that you love them

I'm really comfortable about talking about death because my family mad everything seem like everything happens for a reason, and when its your time to go its your time to go. i think Beth really helped out her husband the best way she could by making his final moments memorable. when one of my moms friends died my mother was really sad for the first time i seen my mom really depressed, but i told her hes always going to be there for us because he influenced us each in a different way and he will always be in our memories and we should be grateful that we got to know him as a human being. when i first saw him in the hospital i started to cry there was nothing else in my thoughts but me thinking its not true. but i stopped crying when he tried to get up from his bed and he talked about not worrying about whats going to happen and we should just continue our lives and treat me mother right and told my mother stop being so hard head, after all that he has been through he still was humble and wanted everyone to smile.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

hw 19

my mom said he had to deal with a lot with dying because she is getting older and some of things that young people take for granted she cant do anymore. but my mother wasn't bothered with the fact that she was going to die she was more focused on whats happening now. she understands that death of dying comes with life so she just wants to live the best life that she can. i guess my mother has a point because thinking about death is a waste of time because time doesn't wait for people. we have to focus in what happening now because we exist now we don't know whats going to happen after we die so we need to just live our lives. well until it starts happening to you. but my mother does want my grandmother anywhere near the hospital because my mother doesn't want to lose her. i find that interesting because i thought the same way i didn't really care about dying or people dying i just cared about the people that i know that could be in that situation. i think most people in the world think like that as will people don't care about things until it happens to them, like a skinny person that becomes fat because his unhealthy diet but the skinny person thought that it would never happen to them because they were born skinny. i wonder if that's being selfish our its in our subconscious to act that way.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


i haven't experienced much with illness and dying because i have all my grand parents and when they are sick i don't get to see them. i guess every person deals with illness and dying differently. it must be hard to see a loved one go through an illness because you wouldn't want to be in there situation just laying down wondering whats going on outside of the hospital walls. illness is a state of poor health and dying is on the road to death. somethings that confuse me about illnesses is when people make fun of illnesses certain people get offended but when we make fun of a perfectly healthy person people laugh. why cant everything be funny or why cant people stop making fun of people. my experience with is just people talking about there family or people making fun of illness and dying history i have no real personal history. i think the people that get offended when people make fun of an illness and still laugh at a healthy person wardrobe or how they look is a hypocrite because you still making fun of someone on someone else expanse. i wouldn't know what to to if someone that i knew was dying or had an illness, there wouldn't be that much to do in the first place since you don't have the illness or your not dying. all i would do is make the person feel comfortable as they can until that certain day comes. i wouldn't give the person hope if there is none then it would be disappointing to both parties because you know that there not going to survive and the person now thinks that hes going to have a normal life. when i look at illness and dying there are two sides the people that are dying and crying and there are people that profit from us dying. i think its a big problem that private organization can profit so much in one person dying, some times i think when i go to the doctor" is this doctor going to make me sick intentionally". why does the untied states treat people so differently then the rest of the world. do you think it right what we do to certain Americans that don't have health coverage, do you think we should have hospitals that aren't owned by the government. looking back at all i wrote illness and dying is such a said and expensive thing to go through i hope my family just stays healthy and doesnt go through the pain and hardships like the others.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

hw 11

I've learned a lot from this unit, from what goes into our food and why our food is prepared. For the final project i choose to eat differently so tired only eating at whole foods and eat more salads. it was really difficult for me because my friends didn't want to got whole foods because of the location. I learned that a lot of factors go into choosing food then just the price and the taste. my sister always shopped at whole foods and i loved the way the food tasted but my sister said it was really expensive. but then i went there myself there was more then i thought, in the union square whole foods there is place where you can prepared food, they made the sandwiches in front of you and they list what's inside the sandwich. usually when i eat fast food i eat a lot because i thought i need to eat a lot to get, but when i just got a sandwich from whole foods i didn't really feel like eating more. i really didn't think that i would fill me up even when i went home i didn't the sudden urge to eat. when i first was going into this unit i didn't know that much. but when andy started to talk about the food unit i started to get really interested in how our food is prepared, after that i looked up a documentary called Food Inc. it talked about how our meat was prepared and the politics of the food industry. looking bak at the food unit i can see why some people don't care about what happens to our food because its really difficult to change people lives and way of thinking.